miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

I put all my genius into my life; I put only my talent into my works...

When I was little what I liked to do is soccer, that was what I do more in my life, I start to like sports when I was 5 years old but what I liked the most it was soccer because I saw my brother a lot when he played with his friends and it gives me a lot of attention, then I’ve been playing with him and he show me a lot of things. We start a group with my friends and we get in championships, most of the games we have with my team, we won. Last year and this year I started with a sore ankle, my mother became worried and took me to the doctor for review and the doctor told me that the problem I had was hereditary and I was born with that ankle problem, the solution with this is to stop playing for a while, then I decided not to play this year for not hurt me, but the problem was that I had to leave my team for this year and I really miss to play, I was the lead in my team and if I think that I’m good thanks to my brother because he taught me everything I know, Now in 2012 I hope to play again and to improve more than I already am.


I argue this, I know that what people love most, ¿is to sleep or not? I mean, Who doesn’t like to sleep? All the people love sleep, but I take this that is something important in my life and that sleep helps us to have energy ALL the day, I'm usually the people who spend the afternoon sleeping and sleeping and we just leave everything at the last minute, but I think that nobody wants to know that. I write this because it is something I do in my life and I ¿can I say something? Just sleep. This will help us not to be angry :).


I'm not the kind of people that shows if photography likes or not, I'm more hidden in this subject, I qualify myself I'm just not professional but I'm not bad, I take this as a hobby, I have no professional camera and don’t need that, but I know that I don’t have bad pictures, it is simple photography capture memories of life and let you know in the future what happened when you capture in that moment, what I mean is that... I like to capture special moments in my life, that's why I take this also as a hobby because I remember times I had in my life and never forget them.

I put these 3 hobbies because I started to do this when I was little and this is what I most do in my life and I like to do it... a lot, This is something productive that it can help me to become a better person and it is simple... It's part of my life.

1 comentario:

  1. Andrea:

    This doesn't really describe a single, small personal ritual like the assignment asks for. What about photography? Do you have a special camera? A special way that you prepare to take photo? A ritual you have for holding your camera?

    I do.

    What you're lacking here is sensory language and clear metaphors to help us understand what your writing about and why you're writing about it. So you like taking pictures, tell my WHY.

    So, that said, challenge yourself. Write as much as you can about a single thing--like a leaf-- and see where that takes you.

    Miss K
